الف- مقالات منتشره در مجلات با درجه ISI
1. Mohammad Mirabi, P Seddighi, Hybrid ant colony optimization for capacitated multiple allocation cluster hub location problem, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 1, 2017.
2. Mohammad Mirabi; A novel hybrid genetic algorithm for the multidepot periodic vehicle routing problem, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 29(01), 2014: 1-10.
3. M. Bahadori Zare, A. Mirjalili and M. Mirabi, Ranking and evaluating the factors affecting the success of management team in construction projects, JFAS 15, 2015.
4. Mohammad Mirabi; A novel hybrid genetic algorithm to solve the sequence dependent permutation flow-shop scheduling problem, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 71, 2014: 429-437.
5. Mohammad Mirabi; A Hybrid Electromagnetism Algorithm for Multi Depot Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 71, 2014: 509-518.
6. M. Mirabi, SMT Fatemi Ghomi, F Jolai; A two stage hybrid flowshop scheduling problem in machine breakdown condition, Journal of intelligent manufacturing, 24, 2011: 193-199.
7. Mohammad Mirabi; A hybrid simulated annealing for the single machine capacitated lot-sizing and scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times and costs and dynamic release of jobs, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 54, 2011: 1109–1119.
8. Mohammad Mirabi; Ant colony optimization technique for the sequence dependent flowshop scheduling problem, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 55, 2011: 317-326.
9. M. Mirabi, SMT Fatemi Ghomi, F Jolai; Efficient stochastic hybrid heuristics for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 26, 2010: 564-569.
10. Khalili, M Mirabi, Developing Cuckoo search algorithm for resolving Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, BIJ, 2015
11. M. Mirabi, SMT Fatemi Ghomi, F Jolai; Hybrid Electromagnetism Algorithm for Supplier Selection in Make to Order Planning, Scientia Iranica, 17, 2010: 1-11.
12. M. Mirabi, MS Fallah neghad; Analyzing acceptance sampling plans by Markov Chains, South African journal of industrial engineering, (at the stage of acceptance).
13. Mohammad Mirabi; A New Meta-heuristic for Scheduling of Single Machine Problem with Sequence-Dependent Setups, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4, 2010: 247-256.
14. Mohammad Mirabi; An Effective Constructive Heuristic to Find near Optimal Solution for Scheduling and Traveling Salesman Problem, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 5(6), 2011: 484-491.
15. Mohammad Mirabi; Extract strategies using Little model for a part of textile industry, Case study: shirt fabric and silk handkerchief in Yazd manufacturers, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, (at the stage of acceptance).
16. Mohammad Mirabi; A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Multi Depot Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, (at the stage of acceptance).
17. Mohammad Mirabi; Hybrid electromagnetism like algorithm for the flowshop scheduling with sequence dependent setup times, Journal of applied science, 8, 2008: 3621-3629.
ب- مقالات منتشره علمی-پژوهشی
1. Mehdi Bizhan Nya، Mohamad Mirabi, The effects of emotional intelligence on knowledge management with SECI model, Engineering Research Journal, 3, 2015, pp: 9-16.
2. Mohammad Mirabi, S. M. T. Fatemi Ghomi, F. Jolai, A novel hybrid genetic algorithm to solve the make-to-order sequence-dependent flow-shop scheduling problem, J Ind Eng Int (2014) 10:57
3. M. Bahadori Zare, A. Mirjalili, M. Mirabi, Evaluation of Risk Management Effects on the Success of the Management Team of Public Development Projects, IRMS 4, 2016, pp: 156-167.
4. M. Bahadori Zare, A. Mirjalili, M. Mirabi, The Necessity of Management Team Formation and Its Effect on Civil Engineering Projects Success, CEJ, 2016, pp: 286-294.
ج- منتخب مقالات منتشره در کنفرانس های بین المللی
1. Mohammad Mirabi, Elham Kowsari; Improvement of K-means algorithm clustering using meta-heuristic hybrid PSO- TLBO algorithm, Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences, Kuala, Malaysia, 2016
2. Mohammad Mirabi; One Hybrid Heuristic for Multi Depot Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem, international conference on mechanical & industrial engineering (ICMIE2012), India.
3. Mohammad Mirabi; Hybrid electromagnetism algorithm for periodic vehicle routing problem, international science and technology conference (ISTEC2011), Turkey.
4. Mohammad Mirabi; A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm For The Sequence Dependent Flow-shop Scheduling Problem, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (ICIESM 2011), France.
5. Mohammad Mirabi, SMT Fatemi Ghomi; Hybrid Simulated Annealing for the Single Machine Capacitated Lot-sizing and Scheduling Problem with Sequence-dependent Setup Times and Costs, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2010), China.
6. M. Mirabi, SMT Fatemi Ghomi, F Jolai; Hybrid ant colony optimization technique for the sequence dependent flowshop scheduling problem, 6th international industrial engineering conference, 2009, Iran.
7. M. Mirabi, SMT Fatemi Ghomi, F Jolai; Efficient Stochastic Hybrid Heuristics for the Multi Depot Vehicle Routing Problem, Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing – FAIM 2009, 19th International Conference, United Kingdom , 06 June2009 _ 08 June2009.
8. محمد میرابی، رضا مصطفی ادیبی؛ بررسی ارتباط میان فرهنگ سازمانی و مدیریت ارزیابی عملکرد کارکنان در پالایشگاه نفت شیراز، کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت در قرن 21، تهران، ایران 1393.
9. حسن خدابخشی، محمد میرابی، ارتقاء سطح بهره وری فرایند نت با تحلیل خرابیها و استفاده از تکنیک ترکیبی FMEA و ابزارهای آماری، کنفرانس بین المللی ابزار و تکنیک های مدیریت، تهران، ایران 2015.
10. محمد میرابی، محمد تقی فاطمی قمی، محمد حسین سلیمی نمین؛ تعیین زمان انجام مهندسی مجدد با استفاده از تکنیک تعیین سطح اقتصادی سیگما، سومین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت، دانشگاه صنعتی شریف، ایران 1384.